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For any further information, please contact info@treatyball.com or +353 (0)85 8606060

Terms & Conditions
The terms and conditions are set out by Paul Murray and Treaty Ball. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not accept the terms and conditions, then you may not use the website.
Terms and conditions may be revised at any time. Changes to these terms and conditions will be effective immediately. We reserve the right to close any, or all, of the website at any time, and to amend or correct content, with or without prior notice.
Payment Method
Payments are accepted by credit card or debit card and must be received prior to dispatch of your order.
Fees in respect of shipping charges will be charged at the time of ordering and payment, and will be deducted together with the price of Treaty Ball. These fees will be clearly stated at the checkout stage of the ordering process.
Ireland: 1-3 working days.
UK & EU: 5-10 working days.
For deliveries to other countries, please contact us at info@treatyball.com for postage and delivery time on orders.
Refunds & Returns
Treaty Ball must be notified of goods to be returned within 7 days, stating the reason for return. Please contact us at info@treatyball.com or +353 (0)85 8606060.
Cost of goods minus postage and packaging can be refunded. Goods should be unused and still have their original packaging & labelling attached.
Your statutory rights as a consumer are not affected by these Terms & Conditions. The card used for the purchase will be credited with the original purchase amount (minus postage).
We do not give any warranty, condition, guarantee or representation, express or implied, relating to the information contained on this website or on any website to which it is linked.
We make no representations or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the information and related graphics contained on this website, or on any website to which it is linked.
We do not warrant that our website or any website to which it is linked or any relevant server is free of computer viruses or other harmful applications.
These provisions (terms, conditions, disclaimers and exclusions) shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland.